inaugurazione del 13 ottobre 2024 – TUTTI I TUOI GIORNI

inauguration of the,it 13 October 2024 – All your days,it

All your days,it


A first reconstruction of what happened in Rongio Sunday,it,Time has favored the provisions of Don Luigi's program and friends,it,old and new,it,they had an opportunity to meet again,it,We thank in particular the sisters and brothers of Don Luigi who continue to occupy the general well -being of Molin Camillo,it,Special thanks to Carla Crosio to continue to give us traces and footsteps of Don Luigi also in the flow of the chaotic time of our day,it 13 October 2024.

Time favored the provisions of Don Luigi's program and friends,it, vecchi e nuovi, hanno avuto un'occasione per rivedersi. We thank in particular the sisters and brothers of Don Luigi who continue to deal with the general well -being of Molin Camillo,it. Un ringraziamento speciale a Carla Crosio per continuare a regalarci tracce ed orme di don Luigi anche nel fluire del tempo caotico dei nostri giorni. Thanks to Guido Tassini for the same reasons and for the profuse generosity,it,Finally, thanks to Don Patrizio Maggioni who gave us in addition to the Holy Mass and the blessing of the monuments,it,some actualizations of the inheritance,it. Finally, thanks to Don Patrizio Maggioni who gave us in addition to the Holy Mass and the blessing of the monuments in the most genuine sequence of Don Luigi,it,Some actualizations of the pedagogical-educational legacy of Don Luigi himself,it, alcune attualizzazioni dell'eredità pedagogico-educativa di don Luigi stesso.





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