The memory of Father Massimo Hounds

Don Massimo Hounds recalls Don Luigi

Thinking back to Don Luis Longhi memory runs back in time to the years & rsquo; 60, I think when I met him for the first time. Perhaps it was the 1° January 1967, on the occasion of & rsquo; entry in the Diocese of & rsquo; Archbishop Albino Mensa. Certainly lui, as all the seminarians, was present to welcome the new pastor. But it was with l & rsquo; launch of the inter-diocesan seminary (Vercelli, Casale, Ivrea, based in Vercelli and teachers of the three dioceses) that we start & ograve; to study and to work together. The memories have faded but & ldquo, the Luigi & rdquo;, as normally called him, attending our courses, pur essendo eats & ldquo; takes” a year with us (In fact, he was ordained before our class, then composed of well- 9 Seminarians). Struggling to study, never having had the opportunity to devote themselves to study.(And among the many good things done by Mons. Imberti there was to ask the leaders of the seminar then Longhi Luigi continue their studies even if it had to be, according to teachers, stopped. May the Lord reward you). He began early to work to contribute to the maintenance of a large family, where everyone had worked together soon to pap & agrave; Ludovico and a mother Elda. From the area of ​​Parma, where they came from, had moved to Curino, in a modest home but big enough for all. It used to end each school year with a Mass and a dinner at the home of Louis, where mom and dad & agrave; Guests were delighted to have the companions of their son. Mangiavamo (e bevevamo…) in two adjoining rooms because & eacute; we were too many to fit in a single room. L & rsquo; outward and return, its 500 and 600 which were real living miracles, were always adventurous, species return. The home of Don Luis was a welcoming perch & eacute; his parents were and he l & rsquo; had learned from his, cos & igrave; like his brothers and sisters. Certainly had the character of Emilia, and also the & rsquo; experience of a large family that teaches you that c & rsquo; & egrave; always a dish that you can & ograve; add if someone comes to the & rsquo; sudden or need it.

The inter-diocesan seminary & egrave; was a & rsquo; experience that can & ograve; be seen in very different ways. Personally, I remember it as the years pi & ugrave; of my life, why & eacute; c & rsquo; was a great fervor of study, of activities & agrave;, hopes. He lived what was the & rsquo; 68. you had a great desire to do and to see a church different from what was then: a Church as the Council had just finished outlined, displacing many securities acquired. For this reason, the first year of theology (l & rsquo; preparatory year) they had done in Rivoli, at Turin, a powder’ all the dioceses of Piedmont and some seminarians from religious institutions, why & eacute; in the various dioceses probably no one was ready to innovate seminary studies. In Turin we found young teachers fresh graduate of pi & ugrave; prestigious universities & agrave; European (Ferretti, Ghiberti, Ardusso), and l & rsquo; update (magic word then) In garantito. It was then continued in our inter-diocesan seminary, a brave attempt, and also here with the best teachers on the pi & ugrave; restricted market among dioceses, however, the names of all prestige. Luigi shared with us the effort of study and someone helped him studying together (thing that was a novelty & agrave;). It was my job to make handouts of some matter of which lacked the texts. Then the stencils in which he pulled a sheet at a time to print it worked day and night (those who took the sheets were still just a dream for us).

We shared with Luigi his attention to the poor, which was sensitive to nature. The turning point came through the & rsquo; meeting with the & rsquo; Operation Mato Grosso, that Don Ugo de CENSIS, Salesian Arese, had just founded. It can & ograve; say that our seminary soon became a branch of Vercelli & rsquo; Operation. This meant l & rsquo; entrance of persons other than seminarians, of young men and women inspired by the same desire to help the less fortunate. C & rsquo; was who was more & ugrave; led to theorize (then it was the most popular Don Giulio Girardi, which for us was enough text on these issues) and those who work. Working meant collecting paper to finance the first shipments of & rsquo; Operation, shipments that will soon also involved seminarians. The first to go was Gianni Settia, deacon of Saluggia. He remained in Bolivia almost a year and there mor & igrave; in a road accident. He was buried l & agrave; by the will & agrave; the locals and with the consent of the family and & egrave; tutt & rsquo; remembered and loved today, like me who attests & egrave; recently been to his grave. Then Gianmario, Mario, Also, Sylvan… the starters, for which those who remained working in the leisure time. And finally Luigi. He igrave & part; by newly ordained priest (had been ordered by the Pope in Rome in the month of May or early June along with other 200 deacons from around the world, why & eacute; I think it was 50° of the priesthood of Paul VI). It was the 1970. the seminar, who had accompanied Don Luis to Rome for his ordination, continu & ograve; to cheer for him, supporting him as was possible. Luigi andò in Brasile, the Campogrande, in a leper colony. We stayed over a year and there would perhaps remained all his life but by the Bishop came to the & rsquo; invitation to return to his diocese. Don Luigi did not know a word of Portuguese, but you did well understood by the guests of the leprosarium, talking a little’ in italiano, in po’ his dialect of Emilia, a powder’ of Vercelli and those four words he had learned in the meantime. But there & rsquo; was a language that everyone could understand, and it was the service and l & rsquo; love: are the universal language.

Don Luigi returns and is sent as assistant pastor of the new parish & rsquo; Aravecchia, dedicated to St. Peter the Apostle, with Don Carlo Borghesani. We are in the & rsquo; autumn 1971. his choice & egrave; nothing short of amazing. Rent by the City to a small room on the ground floor in one of the two courtyards of the & ldquo; casermone & rdquo;, building a time caserma, with two degrees courtyards, piers on three floors and a fountain in the courtyard, inhabited by many poor families, so many children, only a few elderly. Don Luigi at first must have been considered a bit’ crazy. In that & rsquo; single room a cot, a table, chairs and a sink with a stove. People look at him with suspicion and curiosity & agrave; and he begins to meet them and listen to them. He has to tell what he saw and experienced in the leper colony but egrave &; always very attentive to the needs of people around at that time. Cos & igrave; begins to form a group of people, I think unrepeatable, made by poor people who went to Don Luigi to eat, and young people of the city & agrave; attracted to this figure of a priest totally outside the box then. Among these c & rsquo; was also Don Mauro Stragiotti, that has left us too soon. And so it begins & igrave; with the slides on the leprosarium, paper collection, Fields of work, the recital with songs, written and set to music by talented youngsters accompanied by Don Luigi, who bore his testimony and was able to touch the hearts pi & ugrave; hardened. Era bello, so who would want to hear them sing again. They were good years, great enthusiasm and activity & agrave;. The barracks was repainted at the request of Don Luigi from his boys, the City forn & igrave; tint. The figures gathered around Don Luigi s & eacute; were legendary for those who have known: l’Ugo, the Cat, Master, Peter the, lo zio … and then the boys pi & ugrave; young, and Domenico, and Mariuccia and others that the law Dr., cos & igrave; as was applied, had & ldquo; resigned” dall & rsquo; OPN. Found a house and affection in the great company of people who revolved around Don Luigi. For his children he could find accommodation Casermone, in the meantime it was emptied for the displacement of many families in public housing elsewhere. There was a time in which it was said that the true master of Casermone was Don Luigi. He had found a home for all, even for those who came to ask him for a hand. But Don Luis had a dream in the heart: a new house for his kids and a new Church for the Lord. If we take into account that until Don Luis had lived for charity & agrave;, cio & egrave; of what people gave him, and DENARO on and natura, think of building a house in the community & agrave; was a & rsquo; idea that only he could conceive and carry. I remember sometimes, in estate, to be gone anch & rsquo, I market Corso San Martino on Saturday night to catch up on some’ fruit and vegetables, say third choice. Perch & eacute; cos we lived & igrave;: soup, wings and chicken legs when it was good, mushrooms when it was the season (famigliole, J’urgini& Nbsp; for instance), fish of the Sesia, products of & rsquo; garden when we n & rsquo; was in abundance and the gardeners brought a little’ di roba. The fact that there l & rsquo;'ve done is a miracle of Providence, you can not & ograve; explain otherwise. And in fact it was purchasing the land, a portion of the large meadow that flanked the establishment of Sambonet. From the factory in Corso Avogadro was a single lawn dotted with orchards and a small ditch in the middle. It can easily crossed on foot or by bicycle on a trail that crossed the canal on a bridge, where c hours & rsquo; & egrave; l & rsquo; corner between Via and Via Baracca Zambeccari. L & igrave; we start & ograve; by planting a large cross, that c & rsquo; & egrave; yet, at & rsquo; beginning of the climb towards the church. They started the work. Little by little, the house took shape, according to a plan that Don Luigi himself had thought, having in mind also the future church. The house, told us, had to be beautiful and full of light, because well furnished & eacute; its inhabitants had seen mostly & ugrave; in their lives just dark and dingy places. Indeed, even now the furniture in the dining room and other common areas are fine furniture, received as a gift or recovered in the work of clearing houses and cellars and skillfully restored by some of the boys who were learning the job by experts of the trade. Things pi & ugrave; beautiful were not sold , despite the need for money to finish the & rsquo; work, but kept at home. And the miracle was accomplished, the house was opened and inhabited even before it was quite finished. I remember the days of the move: an endless back and forth between the courtyard and the new headquarters of the Casermone, not far away in space but even in the spirit that animated.

The church continued to be the church of the early, Property & agrave; of the City, in use prior to the date the Dominican fathers, where l & rsquo; Aravecchia depended on how the parish, and then to the new parish of S. Peter the Apostle. Don Luigi l & rsquo; had painted, embellished, ripulita T & rsquo; aveva decent reads. It & egrave; witnessed for years in all activities & agrave; that took place there: Fair, obsequies, weddings, baptisms, prayer vigils, communions and confirmations of the many kids in the neighborhood and also outside. Anyone who thinks that Don Luigi ( and after a few d & rsquo; he had become pastor for the transfer of Don Carlo Borghesani) you devote everything to the kids and then not had time to get to know his parishioners are wrong. He knew everything about everybody. Ricostruiva mentally parentele, jobs. Occasions when we had seen or heard with a clarity that has always amazed me. And he knew a lot of people, every day more and new. Evidently people, once encountered, entered her heart and l & agrave; did not come out more & ugrave;. On the facts that concern the people were very reserved, knew things that people had said to him alone and no one else has ever sapute. If it was a person whom he could not say more & ugrave; asked to trust just.

He knew a lot of people also because & eacute; went to look for: first visit to the morgues of & rsquo; hospital to say a prayer for the dead of the night and a word of comfort to the relatives, then to the many patients who received the sacraments from him made him one of the most people & ugrave; known of & rsquo; hospital. Sometimes accompanying him on this trip it was impossible to go ten steps in any corridor without hearing a greeting to him or her part to someone, sick, doctors, staff. He had a & rsquo; huge capacity & agrave; to understand the human suffering because & eacute; he had suffered and had seen so much in the leprosarium. But gi & agrave; before Brazil was cos & igrave;.

The Don Luigi that we present all, increasingly gray beard & ugrave; similar to that of the patriarchs of the Bible and wooden clogs at the foot, had not always been so & igrave;. All & rsquo; arrival from Brazil beard there & rsquo; was. Few remember it without. The hooves c & rsquo; were already & agrave; and were always, why & eacute; probably cos & igrave; dressed in the leprosarium, with his shirt untucked, in a very simple and natural and yet never failed to arouse some criticism from some unhappy soul, that they can not criticize another criticized the way they dress). Don Luigi turned to routinely giving all the & ldquo; thou & rdquo;. I remember being present on calls made people more & ugrave; several in which the salute was for everyone & ldquo; hello, how are you? Have a nice day & rdquo;. The people would often affectionately calling them & ldquo; & dwarfs rdquo;, like when we turn to a child calling & ldquo; joy & rdquo;. Or used his Emilian dialect with expressions & ldquo; ragas to me” o “al me belo”, that match some’ our & ldquo; my dear & rdquo;. If he wanted to point out one thing that used to & ldquo; digh to tel me & rdquo;, other dialect so nice.

All & rsquo; Aravecchia a presence perhaps more & ugrave; older than that of the same father Louis was that of the Sisters of Loreto with Gisella Sister, which he had renamed the & ldquo; aunt” and from which it was called & ldquo; nvudin to me & rdquo;. Sister Gisella ran between families as a nurse. Casermone had in one or two rooms that served as the office for the people of the district. He called & ldquo; local shops to me” and ograve and &; on for years and years to develop this service. She also knew all the families in the ward. Several Loreto sisters took turns at & rsquo; Aravecchia. I remember when Sister Luigia still there & rsquo; was the home, but especially Sr. Fernanda, woman of great ability & agrave; and with a humanity & agrave; very close to that of Don Luis. He remained at & rsquo; Aravecchia for many years, in two successive time periods, helping greatly l & rsquo; work of Don Luigi. With her many other sisters took turns to Sister Rosalia that accompagn & ograve; the transition from the presence of Don Luis to the period after his death and still & egrave; l & igrave; to serve the people of the community & agrave;, of the parish and ward. A presence to be thankful to the Lord, and Don Luigi certainly the f & ugrave;.

& Nbsp;

Without the house and the first co-operative working (first in the garage of a house then hospitable premises underlying the community & agrave; and finally, today, at Cascina Pensotti) to provide work for young people and those who were unlucky group of people outside the house, remained the dream of the Church. I believe that Don Luigi l & rsquo;'ve dreamed so many times and then l & rsquo;'ve explained to someone who translate into projects, drawings, ideas, suggestions. Unlike home, the Church was in part supported by the aid of the Diocese, in the person of & rsquo; Archbishop Mgr. Albino Mensa estimated that Don Luigi and his work, and every time he stopped to have lunch with the guys after celebrating Mass. The project little by little you concretizz & ograve; in what today & egrave; certainly one of the most Churches & ugrave; curious that are placed around. Built with a refined taste for beauty (Don Luigi loved beauty in all its forms: nature, Art, capacit & worse; umane, music and he intended in a manner astonishing), the Church of the & rsquo; Aravecchia arose in an ability to mix between old and new, but above all, according to the ideas that Don Luigi wanted to highlight: Dio, its grandeur and beauty (the rose window with the burning bush), men marching toward God, that shine His light as we draw near to Him. San Pietro, to whom the parish & egrave; dedicated, shown at & rsquo; entrance of the Church in the Acts of the Apostles in the healing of the lame man at the temple gate, and then again in the large pane of glass that depicts the resurrection and the beautiful wooden statue representing him. Maria has its own special corner with the Rays of the Sun, the statue came from the old Hospital where he was venerated as the Mother of Mercy. L & rsquo; Altar & egrave; huge, a & rsquo; single stone slab recovered to Veneria of Lignin (maybe the bottom of a large trough for animals) and transported from the l & igrave; a thousand difficulties & agrave;. Columns large and small, recovered chiss & agrave; where, mark the profile of the & rsquo; altar and seats, obtained in that big building in dark oak, who has a history almost unbelievable. It is timber recovered during the renovation of the underpass Channel Cavour under the river Sesia. Which means that those aces were pi & ugrave; hundred years in the & rsquo; water. Don Luigi & egrave; managed to have them give, chose the pi & ugrave; beautiful and made it what you see today. Inserted into it with the words of the tabernacle & rsquo; Last Supper. In back of the church baptistery, obtained from a millstone stone and surrounded bronze panels that recall biblical themes related to the & rsquo, water and Baptism. The banks recovered somewhat’ Churches and closed by a little’ Churches from which they had been replaced. On the walls, some depictions of saints particularly dear to Don Luigi, all face the burning bush.

Don Luigi was proud of his Church and he was right. & Egrave; very nice and it reflects in all its spirituality & agrave;. The same can be said of the crypt, used for weekday Mass, with the reconstruction of a & rsquo; ancient brick apse and a small altar made from pieces with a long history. A Romanian painter had painted of passage, in tre riquadri, the Trinit & agrave; (di Rubliev), Madonna in her womb and gives the baby Jesus & ugrave;, and a complex representation of the journey of life (that matches that of the figures on the way to God).

The church does not egrave &; hidden from the house rather, I & egrave; the heart. L & rsquo; idea of ​​Don Luigi was that the house was surrounding the courtyard that serves as the church parvis, cos & igrave; that the guests were not strangers, but involved: All rooms overlook the courtyard and the whole is a harmonious whole of great beauty. Next to the church, a stylized bell tower, with bells salvaged from abandoned churches. Cos & igrave; dreams became reality & agrave; and the circle of acquaintances increasingly & ugrave; great, also for the & rsquo; another great insight of Don Luigi, that of & ldquo; Sunbeams & rdquo;. I spoke to Don Luigi & rsquo; beginning making this a real risk that the families affected by the death of children at a young age & agrave; you allontanassero by God to end up in the hands of medium or unscrupulous people who would have the illusion without giving them any real peace, spilling them a lot of money. Cos & igrave; Don Luigi gets close to the families filled with bitterness ,pain, anger and despair. With his deep faith and his ability & agrave; bring comfort collects before tens then hundreds of families, far removed, that met regularly to exchange their sad experiences of death and to listen to Don Luigi the word of the Gospel of life. In my opinion, if the work with the children of the community & agrave; & Egrave; was a great work, all resting on her figure full of charisma and gifts from & rsquo; Alto, a fortiori it can & ograve; tell the families of the Rays of the Sun, whose photographs began to surround the statue of Mary, in & rsquo; corner of the church, increasingly & ugrave; numerous. From l & igrave; also born & rsquo; idea of ​​& ldquo; Campana of life & rdquo;, a & rsquo; huge bell cast especially for this purpose, brought to Rome during the Jubilee of 2000 and blessed by Pope John Paul II and then placed in an amphitheater created on purpose, with an altar and an angel from & rsquo; waking up on the Rays of the Sun. Is the background of a large vineyard in bronze leaves on which are inscribed the names of some Rays of the Sun. All surrounded by a large meadow full of flowers. The complex was inaugurated by Archbishop Henry Masseroni Father in Spring 2004 with great participation of people, with numerosi Sacerdoti.

Don Luigi has helped many people to live but also many to die to the sick pi & ugrave; serious, ai moribondi(also many brothers dying) c & rsquo; was Don Luigi, who forgave, consolava, prayed with them and for them for a chiuderne eyes. If it was on the boys washed them and dressed them himself.

In recent years he was tired, the rhythms became mad, were always of pi & ugrave; people who sought him out, the increasingly bureaucratic & ugrave; heavy, though not lacking those who helped him to carry them out. I remember seeing more & ugrave; times in the kitchen to burn the chicken wings before cooking or cutting and boning meat, mindful of his work as a butcher before & rsquo; entering the seminary. I believe that & rsquo; idea of ​​the pastoral care of tourism, l & rsquo; her latest creation, was born a little’ as an attempt to evade, for one or a few days, from his world became heavy. Born cos & igrave; trips, pilgrimages, stay in Rimini and spas in Campania. Don Luigi came out regenerate and people were happy because & eacute; prayed, you admired beautiful things, There he confided, we laughed and joked.

Sometimes, going to find it, told me of his fatigue and that he would be willing to retire Rongio leaving everything to someone else. I suggested him to look for a family to help him, perhaps by asking for all & rsquo; Operation Mato Grosso, in which he and the church of Vercelli had given so much to look for a permanent deacon or if it was not possible to find a priest who would support (Unfortunately, the number of priests is always decreasing while the number of elderly priests). I tried to help him as best I could, replacing it every time you c & rsquo; was needed. In recent years suffered from invincible drowsiness during the day and poor quality & agrave; sleep at night. I remember an evening meeting during which Don Luis had always slept, exhausted from sleep and was then was taken by the arm and led by two guys in bed. It took a while’ to understand that it was a breathing problem that caused the sleep apnea. Over time, this problem was tired heart had perci & ograve; dormine with a mask that would provide l & rsquo; oxygen needed for proper breathing and a good night's sleep. It adapts & ograve; this gimmick and it seemed that it was cos & igrave; resolved that his severe malaise. Begin & ograve; cos & igrave; to be interested in a little’ his health, thing he had never done that before. It was perci & ograve; periodic checks to Veruno, where he remained for about ten days even in November 2006. It was revealed nothing to worry about. Of the many things done by Don Luigi must remember also the restoration of the tomb of the priests in the cemetery of Vercelli. L & igrave; were deposited the remains of many priests, especially of & rsquo; 800, I believe they have been found in the Cathedral during the work, or who were buried elsewhere and were collected together in a dignified manner. Perch & eacute; Don Luigi loved his brothers and had veneration. In a & rsquo; another tomb, left to him by his family's Peak, he was able to give honorable burial to so many of his boys prematurely passed away, and other people, probably,& Nbsp; otherwise they would not have had a place. His attention was also beyond death and wanted the graves were always clean and that a flower would witness memories.

He wanted to be buried with his parents and his sister in the small cemetery of Rongio, resort & agrave; he loved in a very special way. He had represented, by Don Luigi, a job for some of his boys, a serene place to spend some time especially d & rsquo; summer, and a place to put to use his creative genius to the glory of God. From an initial bequest of a house and land in the locality & agrave; Molin Camillo, right next to the creek Bisingana, and subsequent purchases and bequests of the buildings adjacent, was to form a complex of great beauty. The woodshed was transformed into a church very impressive and made even more & ugrave; by beautiful frescoes of & rsquo; friend Joseph Papetti, known author of Icons. This church & nbsp; & Egrave; the culmination of another road that winds through the large lawn surrounding and where there is the & ldquo; Via della Croce & rdquo;, a striking and modern Via Crucis that Don Luigi & ograve a be; with the collaboration of contemporary artists. The result is a complex not easy to read but very striking when it is explained, and a route that, also for the beauty of the area, helps to enter into prayer. A Rongio the work was always so, and the complex was carried out with the collaboration of many. The guys who resided l & igrave; had animals to care for, a forest to keep in order, and many other tasks because & eacute; the place was always nice and tidy. In basso, near the stream, Don Luigi built a terraced amphitheater where often, in estate, Mass was celebrated, whose words were joined to the voice of the stream. Along with the reorganization of an abandoned cemetery l & igrave; close, Don Luigi left to Molin Camillo a sign of his faith and his initiative, together with a piece of her heart.

Another place dear to Don Luigi & egrave; was the windlass Tronzano , a tiny parish where, until years & rsquo; 80 – & Rsquo; 90 was about Don Emiliano Menara, which was a friend of Don Luigi. At his death the parish house and church were given in use to the community & agrave; of & rsquo; Aravecchia. Rimesse in sesto, together with the front garden, Don Luigi there PLANT INSTALLATIONS & ograve; a & rsquo; agrave & other activities; for some of his boys, a chicken farm, to be consumed or sold in accordance with the need & agrave;.

In all these activities & its agrave; Don Luis had two concerns at the heart: give glory to God and to work the children of the community & agrave;, knowing that the work they needed to find an estimate of S & eacute;, to keep them busy and out of trouble and temptations, to make them feel useful to s & eacute; and the other. This pedagogy of work & egrave; was one of the insights of Don Luis from the outset & rsquo; beginning and & egrave; was l & rsquo; winning weapon for many kids who have seen their lives change thanks to the work and to the & rsquo; love with which they were being followed and that are now fathers of families serene, one of the fruits pi & ugrave; of beautiful & rsquo; work of Don Luigi.

Not all guys are finished well. Several of Don Luigi had the funeral with a broken heart pain, but with the knowledge that you have offered them everything humanly could offer. Even with his sons Don Luigi never forgot to be first and foremost a priest and many of them have discovered or rediscovered the faith thanks to the & rsquo; meeting with the & ldquo; Don” or the & ldquo; Father & rdquo;, as he was affectionately called.

Don Luigi loved to pray with people on any occasion but it was especially the celebration of the Mass that he cared for as a moment of reflection and prayer for all. The Masses offered for the Rays of the Sun were moving and engaging. The Easter Triduum was nice and followed the & rsquo; using the Neocatechumenal group that had come to form in the parish and who now uses the church was once the seat of the parish in the early years. Each mass burial was a & rsquo; opportunity to speak to the hearts of those present. He had created his own personal liturgy of the funeral. Not that he loved the extravagances, was not extravagant but very nice and human. Lately he had found somewhere a poem to my mother and to all mothers who accompanied to the cemetery was reading this poem as if it were born in that moment from his heart. When celebrated, the weather was a little important variable. Le S. Messe festive lasted over a & rsquo, time and people knew it was there because & eacute; loved this profound prayer, well done, prolonged, touching. Don Luigi Item, in his later years, available in d & rsquo; mind of the old Apostle John in Ephesus: a patriarch who had seen and heard great things in his life and beautiful things and terrible and painful and that he had synthesized all in a few sentences, he said and repeated but never lost freshness and sense why & eacute; said by him. John had come to the synthesis of & ldquo; & egrave God; love and the new commandment of Jesus & ugrave; & Ldquo; love one another as I have loved you & rdquo;. And Don Luigi kept repeating these words in his homilies, in speech-to-face, in & rsquo; encourage anyone who was in pain. We will never know how well he did Don Luis Longhi. They know the thousands of people who have received so much from him, sometimes all. For me, a priest cos & igrave; condition can not ograve; only be described as the Holy, even if no one will start & agrave; never the canonical process of recognition of its special virt & ugrave;. Perhaps he himself would keep us very, since he has lived all his life the pi & ugrave; possible in the & rsquo; shadow, in those 36 years & Outdoors; Aravecchia. È vero, There are priests who have spent many pi & ugrave; years of him in the same parish and have seen pass two, three generations of people. Don Luigi has seen a couple of generations of children, children of God and his children, for which he gave his life materially. Blessed be the Lord who has given us the grace to have met him and known.

Vercelli, 2010

                                                                                 Don Massimo Bracchi